December 31, 2012

Last Ride of 2012

On Sunday, December 30th, approximately 25 snowmobilers set out from the Boulder Creek Sno-Park for the last ride of 2012. Destination - Parachute Meadow. It was a chilly 3 degrees at 9 a.m. under a clear blue sky.

The groomed trail was in good condition  as the riders ascended out of the sno-park. Only a fallen tree that partially blocked the trail slowed the main pack briefly. Nearer to the meadow, a trio of sledders consisting of Chuck, George & Sally stopped to assist another rider that had buried his sled in the snow after striking a tree. The rider was not injured but his sled did incur some minor damage and was able to make it slowly back to the sno-park.

Upon reaching Parachute Meadow, preparations for lunch were quickly underway. The finicky chainsaw that wouldn't cooperate earlier at the downed tree fired right up this time around and the potential for having to eat cold hot dogs was averted.

Conditions at the meadow were so-so. Previous activity left the meadow full of bumps and hills so riders opted to go play elsewhere until lunch was served. A report from a group that made their way to Tiffany encountered lots of boulders under the snow. No major sled damage occurred and everyone made it in one piece back to the meadow.

Getting Ready for Lunch

1972 Vintage Ski Doo

The next ride is schedule for Saturday, January 5th out of the North Summit sno-park to Beaver Meadows. Departure time is 9 a.m. Hope to see you there!