January 27, 2014

Another Day, Another Ride - Pics from January 25th

Pictures from the ride to Sweetgrass this past weekend. Thanks again to Dolly for providing us with fun shots in the snow!

(click to start the slide show)

Bill and Eddie
Bill with a nice smile
Bob and Chuckwagon Chuck
Bob and Steve
Bob is stylin'
Chelsea on the trail
Craig and Chelsea
Dolly and Rich at Sweetgrass
Ed (he thinks this picture should be on the button next year!)
Foggy looking out towards Highway 20
Foggy Winthrop
Gail and Chris
Uh oh! Gail has the chicken!
Glad to be above the fog
Got warm clearing the tree
Hey, Jerry and Gail
Hugh trying to find the guys he lost. Again.
Julie says "Yay!"
Looking down at foggy Winthrop
Paul and Chelsea
Paul joined in today - hooray!
President Craig
Rich and Bob wishing they had Dolly's sled
Secretary Chelsea and President Craig
Snowmobiling makes you strong!
So happy to see Joe today
Sunbathing weather Chelsea
Sweetgrass Craig
Gathering at Sweetgrass
More of the gathering
Sweetgrass Tower
Ta da!
Thank you, Chuck, for all you do!
The dogs are always good - Udell and Chris
The views are wonderful but where's Dolly?