March 20, 2024

Please Respect our Lands!

HARTS PASS UPDATE **Wilderness areas are always closed to motorists**

MVSA received this photo of evidence of motorized travel in the Wilderness area from a local helicopter company on 03/17/24. This Wilderness area is adjacent to and accessible from Harts Pass.

This is EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING news given that we expect all snowmobilers to know where they are and follow the law. When this same thing happened 11/22/17, Harts Pass was closed to all motorists for the entire season. 

This new instance may have repercussions. Please do not disrespect our sport and our community by breaking the law. Many of us in Okanogan have put in long volunteer hours to maintain good relationships with the forest service and all other user groups and actions like these take us backwards and create issues and even potential closures to motorized use.