April 1, 2013

March Poll Results

The results are in for the March polls.

Question 1 was: Overall, do you generally buy your machines...

A) Brand Spanking New - 5 people (62% of respondents) vote for this;
B) Lightly Used - 2 people (25%) said yes to this answer;
C) Used and Abused - 1 brave person (12%) admitted to this;
D) I don't buy 'em, I borrow 'em - Nobody voted for this choice.

Question 2 was: If you run a 2-stroke engine, do you run...

A) Factory Oil - 2 people (25%) checked yes;
B) Aftermarket Oil - 6 people (75%) bought this type;
C) Whatever Is On Sale - 0 people;
D) Used motor oil from your 20-year-old pickup just to dispose of it - 0 people.

Thanks to all who voted. Our polls will resume in October.

If you have a nagging question you want to post to our members, email it to methowvalleysnowmobile at gmail dot com.