January 22, 2014

Highway 20 to Liberty Bell Mountain

Even though snow conditions have been and continue to be less than optimal, there are still opportunities to get out and ride. A group went up Highway 20 on January 1st and sent pictures from their ride. Thanks, Dolly! A snowmobile ride is a great way to kick off the new year!

Dad says Watch out for those CREEKS!
Watch out for those rocks too!
Steve and the bungee to the rescue!
Bill Watching the Action
Bob's first highway ride!
Chelsea and Jennie
Craig, Chelsea and Jennie
Dolly, Chelsea and Jennie
Jennie, Rich and Chelsea
Jennie, Dolly, Chelsea and Rich
Liberty Bell
Lunch break!
Lunch time - Bill
Lunch time - Steve
Rollovers can be Contagious
Steve and Bill
Waiting for Dolly to take the pictures again!
What do ya think, Chels? Looks cold!