February 3, 2015

2014 Christmas Eve Day Ride Goat Creek , Pictures by Dolly Stahl

Bill F Doe Mt

Here Comes Craig

Dan can always come up with an idea to fix something so he can ride!
Looking good Bill F.

Dan playing.

Dan's the man

This looks really bad but everything turned out good. Don F. Rich S. Bob W.

What way did he go Don F.

Fast Eddie Craig S

Fast Eddie crests the hill!

Doll Babes Ride

Great Friendships Dolly and Bill F.

Here comes Lit'l Jennie Stahl

Don Fitz and Craig S

Jenn Jenn standing tall   LOL

That's it stand on your sled and you look taller!

Mom Dolly and Daughter Jenn

We can hear you now Bill F. "Now Jenn:       "

Oh, thats  my brother.Jenn  Craig

Great SNOW!

Sometimes things just get in our way! Rich and Jenn

Tah Dah! Craig

Nice hill climb Bob W

Just felt like making an angel  Dolly and Jenn